The Crisis Management mindset
Achieving the Pearl mindset, ROI explained simply.
Are you ready is always the question asked when talking about crisis management.
Phrased in this fear-inducing way, the question also implies that this is an investment. That is, that there is a return on investment (ROI).
Most people think that an investment should multiply the gains. And crisis management thinking is often that you should count on losses that you’re going to avoid.
After all, the loss of tens, hundreds of thousands or millions of euros in a cyber attack is likely to have a major impact on the victim’s future.
But the notion of risk doesn’t appeal to a receptive part of the brain. It’s the “don’t look up” syndrome. Our brain doesn’t like risk, and prefers to ignore it rather than face up to it; it prefers the bright future of hard cash to the sad promise of training to avoid, or even just mitigate, the effects of a crisis!
That’s the way our brains and cognitive biases work!
Now, how do we convince people that crisis management can be something else? And as Alexandra Hoffmann recently mentioned, is the very name of crisis management really appropriate when we want to get the message across?
We could talk about resilience, about managing exceptional situations. But we’re going to try to restore the reputation of this overused term. After all, everyone has his or her own experience of the crisis, and COVID 19 was actually rather well “negotiated” by companies. So what’s the point in trying to get better organized when you know you’ll be able to improvise?
The difference lies in the serenity of being prepared, in the confidence that we won’t lose exhausting energy, that we won’t be overly stressed, and then that nagging doubt that something is missing!
The difference also lies in the fact that organization and training, which are quite conventional, must be extended to the mindset proposed by Pearl Crisis. This mindset is “flow”, teamwork, the human factor at the heart of crisis management.
And guess what….this mindset, once achieved thanks to Pearl, enables ROI in exceptional situations, but not only. In fact, what teams learn about themselves thanks to us* is reflected in their day-to-day management. How can this be achieved?
Let’s talk about it together.
Achieve the Pearl mindset.
*We are simply catalysts, midwives with a proven and effective method, BECALM.
PEARL Crisis Response